As part of a Treaty of Waitangi settlement, 14 volcanic cones were given to 13 iwi and hapū of Auckland when the Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau Collective Redress Deed passed into law in 2014. North Head (Maungauika) is the last of these to come under the control of the Tupuna Maunga Authority (TMA) - when it was transferred from the Department of Conservation on January 18.
The other thirteen maunga were previously administered by Auckland Council, and at the passing of the Act they transferred immediately to the Tupuna Maunga Authority as part of the co-governance regime between the Tamaki Collective of iwi / hapu and Auckland Council.
For more information about the transfer see media coverage here:
Waatea News: Tribes take up kaitiaki role for Maungauika-North Head
Voxy: Maungauika/North Head governance transfers to Tupuna Maunga
Information about the Tupuna Maunga Authority, and an online copy of the Tupuna Maunga Integrated Management Plan, can be found at www.maunga.nz The draft operational plan for 2018/19 is available HERE.
See HERE for Auckland Council promotional spiel on the TMA.