We are aware there is a wide range of views on how to protect the Gulf, which is why we were hesitant to include a form submission for the Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill.
However, several people have asked for help. Accordingly, we have put together a simple submission, which you are welcome to use as a template for your own. Please click here to read.
Remember the final day is Wednesday 1 November.
Submissions must be lodged using this form on the New Zealand Parliament website. The form will ask you:
- If you are submitting as an individual or on behalf of an organisation
- If you would like to make an oral submission to the committee
- Your name and email address
- Your submission. You can either upload a prepared document, or you can share your views using the comments and/or recommendations boxes provided. Using the boxes provided is a quick and easy way to share your views with the committee.
Submissions are also due on the proposal to establish new bottom trawling corridors in the Hauraki Gulf.
The deadline is 5pm 6 November 2023.
All the details are in this discussion document: Bottom Fishing Access Zones in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park
The document includes questions that are intended to help guide your submission. A list of questions for submitters can be found in Section 7 at the end of the document (page 45). You do not need to answer every question.
Alternatively, your submission could be as simple as saying that you do not support bottom trawling in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park at all. Or if you do, recommend one of the bottom trawling zone options as per the map in the discussion document linked above.
OR you could use the Hauraki Gulf Alliance submission form available here: Make submission – Hauraki Gulf Alliance
Your submission must be emailed to [email protected] and needs to include:
- the title of the consultation document: 'Discussion document: Bottom Fishing Access Zones in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park'
- your name
- your organisation’s name (if you are submitting on behalf of an organisation)
- your contact details (such as phone number, address, and email).