Government legislates away a democratic right
“Labour will ensure that major decisions about local democracy involve full participation of the local population from the outset.” So pledged the Labour Party during the 2020 election campaign. Just four months later they have broken this promise in spectacular fashion, passing under urgency the Local Electoral (Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Act - thereby abolishing the right of local communities to petition for a referendum on Maori wards or constituencies.
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New history curriculum - thumbs down from some
The Government has recently released their draft New Zealand history curriculum, which has been circulated for public feedback. The main themes include the arrival of Māori, early colonial history, the Treaty of Waitangi, the New Zealand wars, and New Zealand's role in the Pacific.
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The cancelling of Dr Michael Bassett
'If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticise.' Voltaire.
Up until recent times, New Zealand has had an enviable international reputation for upholding the right to freedom of expression. But this status is fast evaporating under the recent push toward censorship – or, in the current euphemism, “no-platforming” or “de-platforming” - of dissenting views.
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No respect for democracy - Government to muzzle citizens
In a shock announcement, the Government reveals it intends to use the extraordinary powers reserved for use when the nation is under threat to get rid of legislation that enables referenda on Māori wards.
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Step by step, the undermining of democracy continues……….
Maori wards are not the only avenue for separate local government representation for Māori.
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Who is running this country? Ngāti Pāoa takes the law into its own hands
An iwi on Waiheke Island in the Hauraki Gulf has decided that it is they who should be in control of kaimoana around the island. Without gaining the legal authority to do so, Ngāti Pāoa has declared a ban on the gathering of certain species around the entire coastline of Waiheke.
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Update on the Three Waters Reform Programme
Early last year many of us made submissions on the Water Services Regulator Bill. Following the public consultation process the Government passed the Taumata Arowai – Water Services Regulator Act in July 2020. The reform programme is now being progressed through a voluntary, partnership-based approach with the local government sector, alongside iwi/Māori as the Crown’s Treaty Partner.
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The ‘partnership’ myth - the single biggest threat to our democracy
Progressing the Treaty ‘partnership’ agenda is a key priority for the Labour government. But by doing so they are introducing divisive policies that are undermining our democracy.
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Yesterday (December 17) the Government announced that it had signed a deal with Fletchers to buy disputed land at Ihumātao for $30 million. At the same time Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson revealed that an agreement (He Pūmautanga) had also been signed between the Kīngitanga, the Crown and Auckland Council to decide on the future of the land. We find the implications of He Pūmautanga over the illegally occupied land at Ihumātao very alarming.
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Stuff’s ‘brave new era’ – goodbye to independence and objectivity
The backbone of any democracy is an independent, objective, and responsible media. But the Stuff media organisation is eschewing this value system to undertake a ‘reset’. This includes a new company charter with Te Tiriti o Waitangi embedded at its core.
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