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Iwi-only fishing areas given thumbs up by select committee

The parliamentary select committee considering the Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill has presented its report to the House of Representatives. Notably, it has ignored coalition agreement promises by endorsing provisions granting race-based customary fishing in High Protection Areas (HPAs). TAKE ACTION BY SENDING THE GOVERMENT A MESSAGE Continue reading

The welcome reinstatement of a democratic right

A more democratic approach to Māori wards is being proposed by the government, one which would allow voters to challenge any decision made by councils regarding Māori wards through a binding poll. This proposal is outlined in the Local Government (Electoral Legislation & Maori Wards & Maori Constituencies) Amendment Bill. Continue reading

C’mon government – get a move on!

Despite repeated questioning, the Coalition has still not provided the details or even a timeline for their proposed changes to the Marine and Coastal Area Act. While Minister Paul Goldsmith says that work is underway, there seems to be a lack of urgency. Continue reading

Human Rights Commission advances political agenda of Iwi Chairs Forum

The Human Rights Commission and the National Iwi Chairs Forum* are working together on a campaign to transition from New Zealand's existing democratic government system to a radical race-based constitution. Continue reading

Further news, views, and opinions.......

Please see more items posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page Continue reading

Submission: Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill

  Written submission Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill. Democracy Action supports the policy of enabling local electors to take part in their local elections and decisions about their local electoral arrangements. Continue reading

Hauraki Gulf Fishery Closures Set to Extend

Fisheries New Zealand is seeking public feedback after a request from iwi to extend the temporary closure of specific fishery sites in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.  Continue reading

The Great Tree Massacre

Photo: Once was a magnificent Moreton Bay Fig In July/August 2023 the Tūpuna Maunga Authority destroyed around 60 healthy mature trees on Ōtāhuhu Mt Richmond. Their crime - they were not native. And it has said it is coming back for more. Continue reading

Further news, views, and opinions.......

Please see more items posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page Continue reading


Local body elections for Tauranga City Council are scheduled for 20 July 2024, the first since 2019. Continue reading