The official opportunity to have your say on Auckland’s water strategy has now passed. (However, there is nothing to stop you continuing to express your views to the mayor and councillors). The submissions are now being reviewed.
A report on the feedback received will go to the Environment and Community Committee, which will develop the water strategy over the 2019/2020 financial year. It is expected to be completed by September 2020.
See our March and April Updates for more details on the water discussion document relating to Auckland’s water strategy.
Meanwhile Marama Davis for the Green Party, in a recent press release headed ‘Water important for New Zealanders’, states:
“Māori cultural values must also be at the centre of decision making. Māori have rangatira and kaitiaki rights over water, guaranteed in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.”
Auckland’s water discussion document echoes these views - promoting the Maori world view as a basis for a water strategy, and proposing co-governance arrangements over Auckland’s water. We have only to look at the Tupuna Maunga Authority’s autocratic decision-making to know that this would be a bad idea!
Our MPs and local body politicians need to be reminded that they have a duty to protect ALL New Zealanders’ interests in water. Please take every opportunity to do so.