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November 2018

We were very pleased to host Auckland Councillor Mike Lee at a Democracy Action meeting on Sunday, 8th October. Mike’s talked about the power play currently underway for the control of the Hauraki Gulf. With his ‘behind the scenes’ information, Mike was able to confirm the conclusions our group has come to, i.e. forces, both inside and outside central and local government, are pressuring the government to replace representative democracy with a ‘co governance’ model.

“But, what can we do?” Mike was asked by more than one member of the audience. He urged us to contact our MPs. As Amy Brooke, author of ‘100 Days – Claiming Back New Zealand’, wrote on a recent blog ‘Why is Jacinda Ardern promoting racial separation?’

“There is no need to feel powerless in the face of this virtual steam-rolling over the majority of New Zealanders. Each of us can indeed stand up to be counted.

When did you last put a quick call through to Parliament to the appropriate office - that of your local MP? - or the office of the leader of a political party. They claim they really want to hear from you - then why don’t you make sure they do?

Everything in the end depends upon individuals. We employ and pay our political servants. We will be genuinely beginning to claim back this country when we act upon this actual fact.

Parliament’s number is 04 817 9999. Ring and ask to be put through to the appropriate office. Every call counts - as does doing nothing… We do have a choice”.

Other actions we can take include:

  • making a submission on the bill to entrench the Maori seats;
  • contacting the Prime Minister, the minister for Crown-Maori relations Kelvin Davis, and deputy PM Winston Peters, about their ‘partnership’ policies;
  • informing local body politicians about the claims to the coast under MACA Act;
  • continuing to challenge the wording of the erroneous plaque at Ports of Auckland

Thank you for your continued interest and support. If you have any suggestions you would like to offer, or if you need further information or help, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

And please help spread the message by sharing our newsletters with anyone who may be interested. You can receive further updates by registering or joining us.

Kind regards,

Susan Short

[email protected]

Recommended reading

Taking up the challenge from Mike Lee to become better informed about our history, please see below a list of suggestions from members of the Democracy Action working group: Continue reading

Requirement to consult with iwi

Such policies outlined above will embed a further layer of consultation and bureaucracy based along racial lines into everyday running of Government. (See Auckland Council’s advice page HERE.) Yet both local and central government already undertake extensive consultation with iwi groups. For example, let’s look at the consultation with ‘mana whenua’ groups Panuku Development Auckland has undertaken in relation to resource consents for the infrastructure and related activities associated with the America’s Cup. Continue reading

Labour’s policy on so-called ‘partnership’ between Crown and Maori

Despite NZ First scuppering the inclusion of the word "partnership" in the new Maori Crown agency's name – it is still used in the description of what the new agency will do. Crown-Maori Relations Minister Kelvin Davis said the new agency, Te Arawhiti, would help facilitate the next step in the Treaty relationship, moving beyond the settlement of Treaty grievances into "what it means to work together in partnerships". Continue reading

Revisiting treaty settlements

Over the years the NZ public have been assured by successive governments that the Treaty of Waitangi settlements are full and final, that Treaty issues will be settled once and for all, and the country will then move on. Continue reading

Pou at state school makes a political statement

During the unveiling of a pou at Fairfield College, Hamilton, to commemorate the New Zealand wars, principal Richard Crawford acknowledged the history and sacrifice of those who participated, singling out the warriors of Waikato-Tainui and the Kingitanga movement. (A report on the ceremony and a recording of an interview given by Mr Crawford is available HERE). Continue reading

Re-writing of history continues unabated

Despite being presented with evidence that shows there is no doubt the land was sold, the CEO of Ports of Auckland (POA) is choosing to stand by the story that the land for the founding of Auckland was “gifted” by Ngati Whatua Orakei, as stated on the commemorative plaque on Quay St. This issue has been taken up with the Mayor of Auckland.  His reply was to take this up with the POA directly. So back to square one. Continue reading

When does affirmative action become discrimination?

While race-based policies have always been a part of NZ Government practise to some degree, over the last few years the instances are expanding exponentially. And now even the judiciary is getting in on the act, as illustrated by the discounting of an offender's jail sentence because of Maori cultural background, see HERE. Continue reading

Government's Freshwater Policy

The government released its water policy last month, see HERE. It avoids dealing with the question of ownership, instead focusing first on cleaning up rivers, and then looking into the more difficult issue of water allocation. Continue reading

Update On Claims Under The Marine And Coastal Area Act

The High Court’s initial ‘priority’ claim under the Marine and Coastal Area Act is for a stretch of coastline in the southern Hawke’s Bay from Whangaehu to Cape Turnagain - see CIV-2011-485-789 here >https://www.nzcpr.com/marine-and-coastal-area-act-claim-ap…/    Continue reading

Have your say on the push to entrench Maori seats

Rino Tirikatene, who represents Labour in the Maori seat of Te Tai Tonga, is fighting to entrench the Maori seats, whereby a vote of 75 percent of MPs would be needed to get rid of them. Continue reading