3 News // Auckland Council // Auckland Unitary Plan // Bruce Moon // Censorship // David Cull // Hauraki Gulf // In the Media // Len Brown // Local government // Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act // Mike Lee // Māori seats // Māori wards // PAUP // Referendum // Take Action // Video // Winston Peters //Site of the week 3
ID#205, East Tamaki
Our volunteer documents:
“The site is on top of the hill that is the former Greenmount municipal landfill that is being remediated by Auckland Council and will become a park with sweeping views. The area is a huge 54ha, bounded by Harris, Smales and Springs Rds.
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Site of the week 1
ID#2028, Mount Eden
The mana whenua provisions don’t just affect homes and businesses, but also community sports groups.
One of our volunteers took the time to track down site #2028, which is nestled somewhere on, in or below the Auckland Table Tennis Association building in the Withiel Thomas Park, as the map shows.
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Mana Whenua site map
Below is a map of a number of sites that Democracy Action's army of volunteers have been busy documenting.Sites with red markers have been completed, whereas green markers indicate that they are free to investigate.If you would like to join our ranks of volunteers to assist Democracy Action with the documenting of these sites, or have another skill that can help us with this campaign, please click here.
Our letter to Len Brown and Councillors
Democracy Action has written to Mayor Len Brown and all Councillors to highlight the need for action on the radical Mana Whenua provisions in the PAUP.
Our letter to the Mayor outlines how the Mana Whenua provisions has had the effect of being a unilateral decree, and that property valuers believe that the imposed provisions will likely affect property values.You can view our letter to the Mayor and Councillors below
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Hearing materials
The team have made several submissions throughout the PAUP Hearing process.
The submissions convey our objections to the mana whenua provisions and outline why we think the radical provisions should be taken out of the PAUP.
Please click on the links to read each submission.
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3 News on Councillor accusations of subterfuge
The video of tonight's 3 News story covering the documents uncovered by Democracy Action that revealed accusations of subterfuge by Auckland Council over a controversial part of its Unitary Plan.
Click here (or the image below) for video on demand.
Were Auckland Councillors stitched up by officials?
Democracy Action has today revealed internal Council documents indicating a disturbing lack of consultation with elected officials about the controversial cultural impact assessment provisions in the 7,000 page Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.
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Hearing for Regional Policy Statement, 30 October 2014
Democracy Action founder, Lee Short, attended the hearing on 30 October for the Regional Policy Statement (005) topic with lawyers Stephen Franks and Pam McMillan.Below are the handouts presented at the meeting.
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Is your property affected by a Mana Whenua site?
We've been getting a lot of questions from members of the public wanting to know whether their property could be affected by the PAUP's Mana Whenua provisions. Although some types of resource consent activities (such as discharging into water or air) may trigger 'cultural impact assessments' regardless of where they are in Auckland, the main impact is likely to be initially felt by property owners within 200m of more than 3,600 sites of value to Mana Whenua.
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Video footage: PAUP public meeting
Video footage of our recent public meeting on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan is now available online via our YouTube channel.
At the conclusion of the meeting, there was a fascinating Q&A session where Democracy Action supporters asked questions of Chief Planning Official Roger Blakeley. Click below to watch.
The other videos are also available by clicking 'read more'.
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