The team have made several submissions throughout the PAUP Hearing process.
The submissions convey our objections to the mana whenua provisions and outline why we think the radical provisions should be taken out of the PAUP.
Please click on the links to read each submission.
Statement of Evidence - Pam McMillan - mana whenua issues (17 October)
This Statement of Evidence details the problems with the definition of "mana whenua" and Franks Ogilvie's complaint to the Human Rights Commissioner, amongst other issues.
Summary for Oral Hearing (30 October)
This Summary outlines the main objections to the Regional Policy Statement contained within Chapter B of the PAUP. It notes the principles previously enunciated by the Crown: that Treaty obligations run between the Crown and iwi, not from citizens to iwi, and the impact this should have on the PAUP. It then looks at the complexity of the document and some of the unfounded assertions contained within.
Summary of Points for Submissions Specific to Chapter B provisions (30 October)
This Summary details the number of issues throughout Chapter B of the PAUP. It highlights many of the unsubstantiated assertions the document makes and shows how mana whenua have almost unfettered discretion to schedule sites as being of value to them, under a regime where they can directly profit from the sites being designated this way.
Summary of Proposed Amendments to Chapter B (20 November)
The Summary details Democracy Action's proposed alternative to the current mana whenua provisions and CIA process. This alternative would provide greater transparency and more certainty for property owners.