October 2018 Bonus Edition
Several members who were unable to attend our special meeting on Sunday 7th October have requested a report on the ‘Sea Change versus democracy in the Hauraki Gulf’ presentation given by Auckland Councillor Mike Lee.
Mike has been a local body representative in the Auckland region for over 26 years, having lived and worked in the Hauraki Gulf and Waitemata ward for most of his life. He was invited to address Democracy Action about the power play currently underway for the control of the Gulf.
Read moreInvitation to hear Councillor Mike Lee speak on the Sea Change Plan
Democracy Action invites you to an address by Mike Lee – Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor on Auckland Council. Mike is very concerned about proposed threats to democracy as advocated in the Sea Change Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan. He outlined his concerns in an article first published in the Gulf News on 21 June, now available on Mike’s website HERE.
Read moreCouncillor Mike Lee speaks out on democratic governance of the Hauraki Gulf
Councillor Lee comments on the high stakes power play over ownership and control of the Hauraki Gulf.
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