Recommended literature on the Treaty of Waitangi

Please see below a short bibliography, (spanning 50 years), demonstrating that comprehensive literature exists which challenges the current political/cultural/academic “orthodoxy” of the history of New Zealand and its evolution. Professor Martin Devlin, author of the bibliography, explains "This orthodoxy is mainly based on presentist interpretations of the Treaty of Waitangi, continuously relayed in the New Zealand media, which, in turn, consistently fails to present alternative views. Much of this orthodoxy comprises personal opinions, myths and revised histories. This bibliography allows students to see that alternative views exist which challenge the 'orthodoxy'.” 

Anderson, A.

Towards 1990: Seven Leading Historians Examine Significant Aspects of New Zealand History
Anderson, A., et al., GP Books, 1989
Google Books: 8LdBAAAAYAAJ

Ngāi Tahu: A Migration History
Anderson, A., and Tau, Te M., Bridget William Books, 2008
Google Books: lkxFwW7I4ZoC

Barr, H.

The Gathering Storm Over the Foreshore and Seabed: Why it Must Remain in Crown Ownership
Barr, H., Tross Publishing, 2010
Google Books: xJ9LYgEACAAJ

One Treaty, One Nation: The Book Every New Zealander Should Read
Barr, H., et al, Tross Publishing, 2015
Google Books: NAHNjgEACAAJ

Buick, T. L.

The Treaty of Waitangi: How New Zealand Became a British Colony
Buick, T. L., Thomas Avery, 1936 (Capper Press reprint, 1976)
Google Books: xbZBAAAAYAAJ

Butler, M.

Tribes, Treaty, Money, Power: A Guide to New Zealand's Treaty Issues
Butler, M., Tross Publishing, 2014
Google Books: i1_6oAEACAAJ

Christie, W.

Treaty Issues
Christie, W., Wyvern Press, 1997
Google Books: Bse7AQAACAAJ

A Race Apart: Parliament and Race Separatism, the Story
Christie, W., Wyvern Press, 1998
Google Books: T-ByAAAAMAAJ

New Zealand Education and Treatyism
Christie, W., Wyvern Press, 1999
Google Books: u6WgAAAACAAJ

Very topical today.

Cowan, J.

The New Zealand Wars and The Pioneering Period – Vols  I and II
Cowan, J., Government Printer, 1983
Google Books: yiEfzQEACAAJ and pSwZAAAAIAAJ

Authoritative and academically respected as a true description of the NZ Wars.

Crosby, R.

The Musket Wars: A History of Inter-Iwi Conflict 1806-1845
Crosby, R. D., Reed, 1989
Google Books: srS9AQAACAAJ

The Forgotten Wars: Why the Musket Wars Matter Today
Crosby, R., Oratia Books, 2020
Google Books: ySMvEAAAQBAJ

Doak, W.

The Burning of the 'Boyd': A Saga of Culture Clash
Doak, W., Hodder and Stoughton, 1984
Google Books: vqZOAQAACAAJ

Ghoshi, G.

Asians and the New Multiculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ghoshi, G., and Leckie, J, Otago University Press, 2015
Google Books: RPrsrQEACAAJ

Facsimiles of the Treaty of Waitangi and The Declaration of Independence
Government Printer, 1960
Google Books: nw8gMwEACAAJ

Graham, D.

Trick or Treaty?
Graham, Hon D., Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, 1997
Google Books: ZNF8QgAACAAJ

Grayland, E.

Coasts of Treachery
Grayland, E., Reed, 1963

James, C.

Unquiet Time: Aotearoa / New Zealand in a Fast-Changing World
James, C., Fraser Books, 2017
Google Books: IsPLtAEACAAJ

Keenan, D.

Wars Without End: New Zealand's Land Wars - a Maori Perspective
Keenan, D., Penguin, 2021
Google Books: sIJlzQEACAAJ

A presentist treatment of historic Maori land issues.

King, M.

Moriori: A People Rediscovered
King, Dr M., Viking, 1989
Google Books: 6ZZLPgAACAAJ

The Penguin History of New Zealand
King, Dr M., Penguin, 2003 (revised edition 2012)
Google Books: FDlttgAACAAJ

McLean, J.

Parihaka: The Facts
McLean, J., Tross Publishing, 2020
Google Books: GBWgzQEACAAJ

Mitchell, R.

The Treaty and The Act
Mitchell, R., Cadsonbury Publishing, 1990
Google Books: OdhBAAAAYAAJ

McNab, R.

Historical Records of New Zealand, Vols I and II
McNab, R., ed, Government Printer, 1908
Google Books: sryZLhs8S7oC and ON5AyQEACAAJ

Oakley, A.

Cannons Creek to Waitangi
Oakley, A., Tross Publishing, 2014
Google Books: -UFhoAEACAAJ

Once We Were One
Oakley, A., Tross Publishing, 2017
Google Books: inTPswEACAAJ

Prebble, R.

I’ve Been Writing
Prebble, Hon R., Fraser Holland Publishers, 1999
Google Books: mAkbKJ_zWNAC

Rata, E.

Public Policy and Ethnicity: The Politics of Ethnic Boundary Making
Rata, E., and Openshaw, R., Palgrave McMillan, 2006
Google Books: fAWHDAAAQBAJ

Very good.

Renwick, T.L.

The Treaty of Waitangi
Renwick, T.L., 3rd edition, Capper Press, 1986

Renwick, W.

The Treaty Now
Renwick, W., GP Books, 1990 (Govt Printer)
Google Books: 4BUmAQAAIAAJ

Rice, G.

The Oxford History of New Zealand
Rice, G., 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 1992
Google Books: _ht5QgAACAAJ

Robinson, J.

The Corruption of New Zealand Democracy: A Treaty Overview
Robinson, J., Tross Publishing, 2011
Google Books: 3Pf-ygAACAAJ

When Two Cultures Meet: The New Zealand Experience
Robinson, J., Tross Publishing, 2012
Google Books: eJ-qMQEACAAJ

Twisting the Treaty
Robinson, J., et al, Tross Publishing, 2013
Google Books: gZIAmwEACAAJ

The Kingite Rebellion
Robinson, J., Tross Publishing, 2016
Google Books: IshUAQAACAAJ

Dividing a Nation: The Return of Tikanga
Robinson, J., Tross Publishing, 2020
Google Books: IeBQzQEACAAJ

Unrestrained Slaughter: The Maori Musket Wars 1800-1840
Robinson, J., Tross Publishing, 2020
Google Books: nRRrzQEACAAJ

Hone Heke’s War
Robinson, J., Tross Publishing, 2021
Google Books: _VlbzgEACAAJ

Round, D.

Truth or Treaty? Commonsense Questions about the Treaty of Waitangi
Round, D., Canterbury University Press, 1998
Google Books: L3BgAAAACAAJ

Scott, S. C.

The Travesty of Waitangi: Towards Anarchy
Scott, S. C., Campbell Press, 1995
Google Books: Ggl1AAAAMAAJ

Travesty After Travesty
Scott, S. C., Certes Publishing, 1996
Google Books: A5h7swEACAAJ

Sinclair, K.

A History of New Zealand
Sinclair, K., Penguin, 1959
Google Books: 0wH3zQEACAAJ

Regarded as THE classic NZ history.

Slack, D.

Bullshit, Backlash and Bleeding Hearts
Slack, D., Penguin, 2009
Google Books: dCi3AAAACAAJ

Webster, A. C.

New Zealand Politics at the Turn of the Millennium: The NZ Study of Values
Webster, A. C., and Perry, P., Alpha Publishing, 1999
Google Books: P-NKAAAACAAJ

A longitudinal study of New Zealander’s values and attitudes.

Spiral of Values: The Flow from Survival Values to Global Consciousness: an Interpretation of the New Zealand Study of Values
Webster, A. C., Alpha Publishing, 2001
Google Books: KiW9AAAACAAJ



Further News, Views, Opinions………………

Please see more posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page Continue reading

Further news, views, and opinions..............

Please see more items posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page UNCIVIL WAR - Unholy constitutional conflagration rages on in Aotearoa New Zealand John McLean comments on the attacks on New Zealand democracy and Parliamentary supremacy. “The conflict is hot and will only get hotter. Figurative flames, ballistics and scalding hot air are blasting from multiple flues, in every direction. In all the hullabaloo, woo-woo, boo-hoo and utu, few have a clue about this attempted coup”. READ MORE Continue reading

More News, Views, Opinions ……..

Please see more items posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page DON BRASH: HIPKINS' DANGEROUS STATEMENT ON MĀORI NOT CEDING SOVEREIGNTY Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins stirred controversy by asserting that “Māori did not cede sovereignty” when signing the Treaty of Waitangi. Don Brash comments “New Zealand has operated as a unified nation under the Crown's sovereignty for more than 180 years. Hipkins’ claim that Māori did not cede sovereignty threatens our national unity and could undermine our legal and political system, creating divisions based on heritage where there should be none”. READ MORE   Continue reading

Further news, views, and opinions.......

Please see more items posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page Continue reading

Further news, views, and opinions.......

Please see further items posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page Continue reading

Further news, views, and opinions...

Please see further items posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page. Continue reading

Further news, views, opinions.......

Please see more posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page. ELIZABETH RATA: TWO TREATIES OF WAITANGI: THE ARTICLES TREATY AND THE PRINCIPLES TREATY Elizabeth Rata, a professor of education at the University of Auckland explains how parliament’s failure to define the principles of the Treaty has led to claims of co-governance rights. READ MORE Continue reading

News, views, opinions........

MARY-LOUISE KEARNEY: CO-GOVERNANCE - "IT’S THE VETO ISSUE, STUPID” Dr Mary Louise Kearney writes that very few people know about the veto aspect of co-governance or its significance because this is rarely mentioned by the media and politicians. “Whether negligent or deliberate, this helps fan the apathy of New Zealanders and their dangerous ignorance about co-governance (and similar major policy issues) overall”. READ MORE Continue reading

Further news, views, opinions...

ETHNO-NATIONALISM OR DEMOCRATIC-NATIONALISM: WHICH WAY AHEAD FOR NEW ZEALAND? PROFESSOR ELIZABETH RATA - Faculty of Education, University of Auckland (30 June 2021) “We will have to decide whether we want our future to be that of an ethno-nationalist state or a democratic-nationalist one. Ethno-nationalism has political categories based on racial classification – the belief that our fundamental identity (personal, social and political) is fixed in our ancestry. Here the past determines the future. Identity, too, is fixed in that past. In contrast, democratic-nationalism has one political category – that of citizenship – justified by the shared belief in a universal human identity”. READ MORE Continue reading

Recommended reading - ONE SUN IN THE SKY

‘ONE SUN IN THE SKY - The untold story of sovereignty and the Treaty of Waitangi’ by Ewen McQueen, presents an evidence-based perspective on the question of sovereignty and the Treaty of Waitangi.  Continue reading

April Recommended Reading

We've complied some recommended reading for the month of April. Continue reading

Dr John Robinson - searching for the truth

Recently we interviewed Dr. John Robinson, former university lecturer, and research scientist and prolific author of books about the historical development of New Zealand. Here he tells us what inspires him to search for the truth. Continue reading

More recommended reading

‘Dividing a Nation; the Return of Tikanga’ by John Robinson - available from Tross Publishing  It is important the issue of tikanga be known, discussed and debated. In his book, Dr Robinson writes about the introduction of tikanga into our laws and way of life, setting rules that determine the behaviour not just of Maori, but all New Zealanders. The appendix includes a list of legislation dividing New Zealanders. Continue reading

Recommended reading

Navigators and Naturalists – French exploration of New Zealand and the South Seas (1769 - 1824), by Michael Lee. Married and Gone to New Zealand, edited by Alison Drummond. Anyone interested in the truth about NZ history should read these books. Continue reading

This month's recommended reading

1. ‘Blood and Tears’, by Adam Plover  “New Zealand's history is being rewritten with a new narrative in favour of the ever-growing grievance industry. In the process real historical events are being swept under the carpet and out of sight if they get in the way of this new agenda. This book, based on facts alone and impeccably researched, tells of some of these long-buried events as they really happened”. Continue reading

Time for a good read?

With the summer break coming up for many of us, we have put together a list of recommended reading. (Hardly light entertainment, but enlightening!) Continue reading

Recommended reading

‘Drifting into racism, the destruction of New Zealand social structure’ by Dr John Robinson, the author of ‘The corruption of New Zealand democracy, a Treaty overview’, ‘When two cultures meet, the New Zealand experience’, and ‘The Kingite Rebellion’. Other articles by Dr Robinson can be accessed on the Kiwi Frontline Forum by clicking HERE. Continue reading

Recommended reading

‘The Treaty and its Times’, by Paul Moon and Peter Briggs, (Resource Books). Starting around 1800, this book moves to the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and finishes with the Northland wars of 1845. You will find detail on how and why the Treaty was written, the robust debate around the signing, and its aftermath. An excellent reference book.

Recommended reading

Taking up the challenge from Mike Lee to become better informed about our history, please see below a list of suggestions from members of the Democracy Action working group: Continue reading

Bruce Moon debunks inflammatory claims

Two associate professors at Waikato University seized the opportunity they perceived in the tragedy in Christchurch to present what one of calls “colonial terror and violence since 1642”, and the other “Maori had been victims to acts of terrorism in Aotearoa in the past”. Continue reading

Democracy Under Threat

Challenging the lies and propaganda There is a need for all of us to challenge, as they arise, the growing number of baseless claims being touted as facts. NZCPR is a good source of information on the issues, by various authors, as is Kiwi Frontline. Continue reading