‘Dividing a Nation; the Return of Tikanga’ by John Robinson - available from Tross Publishing
It is important the issue of tikanga be known, discussed and debated. In his book, Dr Robinson writes about the introduction of tikanga into our laws and way of life, setting rules that determine the behaviour not just of Maori, but all New Zealanders. The appendix includes a list of legislation dividing New Zealanders.
Also recommended:
- ‘Volcanoes of Auckland - The Essential Guide’ by Bruce Hayward and Gordon Maitland
- ‘The Kingite Rebellion’, by John Robinson
- ‘The Musket Wars’, by Ron Crosby
- ‘Maori Wars of the 19th Century’ by S. Percy Smith
- Blood and Tears; A memorial to those killed by tribal and related violence, by Adam Plover. Available from Tross Publishing.
A variety of other information on New Zealand Wars can be accessed on the Victoria University website, here: http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/subject-000002.html
Remembering the innocent victims of the New Zealand wars
If you are interested signing the petition to the Prime Minister for An Annual Day of Remembrance for Innocent Victims of the New Zealand Wars of 1847-1879, the link is here: http://chng.it/DnTqyjWZWq