We've complied some recommended reading for the month of April.
Dividing a Nation - the Return to Tikanga, by Dr John Robinson
This book is a scan across the history of the old ways, a description of the changes brought about largely by Maori themselves in their great cultural transformation, and reports of recent disruptive actions where special race-based rights are claimed and supported by calls for the primacy of tikanga. To avoid trouble in the future it is important that this vital issue be known, discussed and debated so that New Zealanders can meet the challenges facing us and seek a better way to move forward as "one people". This book is an informative step in that direction.
The following opinion pieces are also well worth a read:
Geoff Parker: The Authoritarian Noose Tightens
“So what can we all do about the demise of our democracy and the growing authoritarianism in New Zealand? Firstly, never rely on TV, radio or newspapers for full and factual disclosure. The mass media have well and truly lost their once highly regarded status as sources of truth or even both sides of an issue. Seek the truth out for yourself - from reading actual legislation or from the several private groups trying against all odds to defend our one law for all democracy”.
John Robinson: The Jacinda government’s further steps towards race-based Apartheid
“Partnership is well established; we are emphatically two people, divided by race. This is what many Maori believe, the ideas and wishes that are guiding their actions and demands. It is what our youngsters are going to be taught. Is this the country you want?”
Muriel Newman: The Final Step to Separatism
“The Prime Minister intends embedding the objectives of the highly controversial UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples into our legal and regulatory framework – a dreadful act of betrayal that will deliver control of New Zealand to the tribal elite in the final step to separatism”.