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December 2021

Season’s greetings to you!

Thank goodness Christmas and summer holidays are just around the corner. However, we haven't taken our foot off the pedal just yet. Here’s another newsletter updating some of the current issues of concern, with suggestions of actions you can take to help. This includes a reminder of the fast-approaching deadline to have your say on the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill. There are only two days left to do so – the submission process closes at 11:59 pm on Thursday 9 December. 

Under this legislation the government is to establish a racially segregated health system, co-governed by Māori. This radical policy is justified in the explanatory note prefacing the Bill: “For Māori in particular, the health system does not operate in partnership and does not meet the Crown’s obligations under te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi)”.

For further information and instructions on how to make a submission, please visit our website, HERE. You might like to also read an interesting commentary by Conan Tait, the Jacinda government’s planned race-based Two Tier Health System’ , recently posted on the Waikanae Watch site. 

Ever since Labour won the election outright just one long year ago, we have witnessed a spike in anti-democratic measures being foisted on us, confirming our fears that this government has a race-based co-governance agenda, centred on the ‘Treaty is a partnership’ mythology. The health reform bill and the undemocratic Three Waters programme are part of this push. As are proposed changes to Department of Conservation (DOC) policy, with recommendations that the entire DOC estate be reformed, the Conservation Act replaced, and the functions and powers of the DOC estate delegated, devolved, and transferred to tangata whenua. Some of these recommendations are already being implemented. You can read more about this at ‘The Department of Conservation Co-governance?’ below.

It is not only central government pushing this ideology - local government too is also jumping on the Treaty partnership bandwagon. At a recent meeting of the Rotorua District Council, the Mayor and her supporters called for a law change to achieve a 50/50 co-governance representation structure. If successful, this would be a gross corruption of the democratic principles of equal suffrage. You can read more about this at ‘Rotorua’s Manipulated Representation Decision’, by Rotorua Councillor Reynold Macpherson.

And here in Auckland the Draft Regional Parks’ Management Plan reveals an intention to introduce co-governance of all 28 regional parks. If adopted this means that the parks, council owned and maintained by all the ratepayers of Auckland, will be co-governed by representatives of just 11% of the population. (Although in practice this is not strictly the case, as only the interests of a small fraction of the 11% would be represented). You have three months from December 10 to have your say on this Plan. See more on this at PROPOSED CO-GOVERNANCE OF ALL 28 AUCKLAND REGIONAL PARKS below.

Even the Hauraki Gulf Forum is not immune - in a blatant grab for political power, some members on the Forum are pushing for legislation to change the Forum into a statutory authority under a full co-governance framework, consisting of an equal membership between iwi representatives and ‘others.’ It is proposed that these others would not necessarily be the elected representatives of the community. Such an arrangement would mean the end of democracy and accountability to the public over the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. You can read more about this proposal at: ‘Blatant grab for power over the Gulf – again!’

The backlash against the government’s Three Waters service delivery plan is growing, with more and more people speaking out, and some councils even taking the government to court over aspects of the programme. A survey we commissioned recently shows that most people think democratic accountability and control over water services is important (76%), and 71% said the Government should consult with them over the Three Water reforms. Please see for THREE WATERS – COUNCILS LAUNCH LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT for an update, and suggestions of what you can do to help fight against what many see as a disaster-in-the-making. 

Last month we mentioned that there is a review on the Future of Local Government underway. If you have not already done so, please remember to have your say – see ‘FUTURE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW SIGNALS TREATY-BASED LOCAL GOVERNANCE’

Summer is a great time to catch up on our reading. One book on my must-read list is the recently published One Sun in the Sky: the Untold Story of Sovereignty and the Treaty of Waitangi by Ewen McQueen. This thoroughly researched and fully referenced book explains why the author believes that New Zealand is in a dangerous place. It is available directly from the author, see Facebook page HERE. Email your order and address for delivery to: [email protected]

Other books that may be of interest to those seeking the truth about our history have been compiled into a short bibliography by Prof. Martin Devlin, spanning some 50 years. Most of the books listed challenge the current narrative, which is largely based on personal opinions, myths, and a presentist interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi. Please click HERE for the bibliography. 

These are difficult times - suffice to say many of us will be eager to say farewell to 2021. We are unsure what the future will hold, but with your help and support we will continue to challenge those who would usurp the sovereignty of the people and our hard-won democratic freedoms. So, thank you very much.

With best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy, healthy, and safe Christmas and holiday season.

Thank you for your continued interest and support. If you have any suggestions you would like to offer, or if you need further information or help, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

And please help spread the message by sharing our newsletters with anyone who may be interested. You can receive further updates by registering or joining us.

Kind regards,

Susan Short

[email protected]


Incensed at the Government forcing through a plan for four mega entities to take over the country’s three waters infrastructure and service delivery - despite widespread opposition from 60 of the country’s 67 councils, and the promise from the government that their proposal was optional – three councils have banded together to file an application in the court against Minister of Local Government Nanaia Mahuta and Secretary for Internal Affairs Paul James. Continue reading


All Water Services Entities will be required to give effect to Te Mana o Te Wai. Three of its six principles will encompass all aspects of the water delivery system - specifically Mana whakahaere, Kaitiakitanga, and Manaakitanga. These principles are to be defined by tangata whenua. Continue reading


The partnership ideology under the Treaty of Waitangi is poised to extend to the management of Auckland’s 28 Regional Parks if provisions in the Draft Regional Parks’ Management Plan are adopted. Continue reading

The Department of Co-governance?

The key function of the Department of Conservation is to ensure that public conservation land is appropriately managed, protected and preserved for New Zealanders - now and in the future. However, there appears to be a shift in priorities at the Department to accommodate the Treaty “partnership” ideology. Continue reading

Blatant grab for power over the Gulf – again!

Currently, the Hauraki Gulf Forum is considering recommendations put forward for what is explained in a report as ‘updating and strengthening the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act’. Several major changes are being proposed. Continue reading

Recommended for December

We've collected some interesting items for you to listen, view and read over the summer break. Continue reading