Season’s greetings to you!
In this last update of the year, we would like to say a big thank you to all who have supported us and taken action yourselves over the year. We’ve worked hard, and those efforts have paid off. The good news is that we now have in parliament people who are willing to implement policies to overturn divisive ideology that is tearing our beloved country apart.
However, now is not a time for complacency. The new government needs all our support in the face of a belligerent and vociferous attack from those opposed to the new government’s policies to restore the fundamental principle of democracy – political equality. While the voices of opposition may be loud and amplified by a hostile mainstream media, we need to ensure that our representatives also hear our reassurance and support for the policies we voted for. To this end, we have organised an easy way for you to send messages of encouragement and solidarity to the coalition leaders, available by clicking HERE. Or better still, send a message in your own words.
The coalition leaders’ email addresses are:
The Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Christopher Luxon: [email protected]
Deputy Prime Minister, Rt Hon. Winston Peters: [email protected]
Hon. David Seymour: [email protected]
If you would like to send message to other MPs too, you can access their email addresses here.
A frequent visitor to our shores, Lord Daniel Hannan, recently gave a superb speech that suggests the real task of this new government is to restore the equality and the freedom that have always been the basis of democratic societies. He makes clear that we are in danger of losing the right to individual freedom and going back centuries if we continue mindlessly into identity politics. We must transcend the impulse to revert to tribalism, and instead relate one to another as free, autonomous individuals. I highly recommend you take the time to listen to his presentation. I think you will be pleased you did so. It is available here: Lord Hannan, Daniel speaks about equality, the Treaty, and the Taxpayers' Union in Wellington - YouTube
Keeping tabs on the government
National, ACT and NZ First have committed to a policy programme that will go a long way to restoring democracy in the many areas where it has been eroded. Its early days yet, but we have put together a running scorecard on the policies concerning the principles of democracy, including equal citizenship and parliamentary sovereignty. This will be updated as more information comes to hand. Read more at ‘Is the Government staying true to its promises?’
More on government policies
Although the new government plans to allow a review of the Treaty of Waitangi principles, this does not extend as far as committing to a binding referendum, which is ACT party policy. However, former MP Rodney Hide argues this is just the sort of issue that we need to vote on – surely one we need to settle openly and democratically. Check out Rodney’s plea for a referendum at: Rodney's Reflections: Referenda Are For Divisive Issues - Reality Check Radio
Another very important and urgent issue, one that did not make the coalition government’s plan for its first 100 days, is the proposed amendment of section 58 of the Marine and Coastal Area Act ‘to make clear Parliament’s original intent’. When the National Government passed the Act in 2011, then Attorney-General Finlayson, assured the country that the criteria for gaining customary marine title were stringent, and that only around 10 percent of New Zealand’s coastline would be awarded, all in remote areas. However, the Courts have interpreted the criteria differently. The threshold for Māori groups to acquire exclusive rights over the foreshore and seabed has been significantly lowered, signaling the likely success of hundreds of other claims, possibly involving the entire coastline of New Zealand. You can read more about this issue in the Democracy Action article published by elocal magazine earlier this month. It is available online HERE.
The December issue of elocal also featured our recent communication ‘Time to congratulate our new government?’ in which we listed the coalition agreement policies relating to the principles of democracy, including equality of citizenship and parliamentary sovereignty. To read, please click HERE.
For other interesting commentaries, see a sample below at ‘Further news, views, opinions………’ Also see more posted on the Democracy Action Facebook page.
Once again thank you so much for your help and support. And keep up the good work everyone – take every opportunity to challenge anti-democratic policies, propaganda, and in some cases downright lies! Working together we can make a difference.
Last but not least, the team at Democracy Action send our best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy, healthy, and safe Christmas and holiday season. We look forward to working with you again in the new year.
Thank you for your continued interest and support. If you have any suggestions you would like to offer, or if you need further information or help, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
And please help spread the message by sharing our newsletters with anyone who may be interested. You can receive further updates by registering or joining us.
Kind regards,

Susan Short