Petition: Make NZ First keep its promise on Māori seats

Winston PetersBefore the election, Winston Peters promised that if his party entered Government we would have a referendum to abolish the Māori seats. He needs to keep this promise.

NZ First’s current initiative to amend Labour’s bill on entrenching the seats is likely too far-fetched to succeed. We need stronger action: Winston Peters has the power to demand a referendum on Māori seats as a condition of NZ First’s continued support of the coalition.

Please sign the petition below to send Mr Peters a clear message that he needs to keep his promise on Māori seats.

We have seen the success of petitions and referendums in blocking race-based seats at the local level. Now we can end this distortion of democracy in Parliament.

"I call on New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters to keep his promise, and use his position of power to force a referendum on the existence of Māori seats."

1,000 signatures

Will you sign?