As we head towards the 2023 General Election, one topic that is set to feature prominently in debates is the controversial issue of co-governance. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins insists that many voters are suspicious of co-governance only because politicians haven’t explained the concept clearly. You have that wrong, Mr. Hipkins - the strong opposition is because many of us are only too aware of the implications of co-governance. We are very awake to this radical separatist agenda which is overturning our democracy with significant changes to our constitutional arrangements for which the peoples’ agreement has never been sought. This month we focus on this issue – you can read more about this below at ‘What the hell is co governance? An explainer’, and 'Warning from Northern Ireland – co-government does not work'.
Election '23 is looking likely to be an extremely close campaign. Currently, Labour is neck and neck with the National Party polling between 30% - 33%. The two parties' natural coalition partners, ACT, and the Green Party, have been polling at around 12% and 10%, respectively. Not enough for either bloc to command a majority.
On current polling, Te Pāti Māori would hold the balance of power and have indicated they have no interest in joining with a National/ACT government.
If the Labour/Greens/Māori parties gain enough votes to form the next government, as bad as this Labour Government has been, a Labour/Green/Māori Party coalition would be far worse. Among other things, we would see further racialisation of policies and legislation, and a determined effort to throw out equality of suffrage. As Dr John Robinson writes in his commentary Choice 2023: for racism or for equality:
“This is the stark choice facing New Zealand in 2023 – to continue down the path of racial separation and division to tribal rule, or to turn back to equality so we can all proudly say ‘we are one people’, that this is our land, a proud sovereign nation where we all belong”.
I encourage you to offer your support to the party which has the strongest commitment to promoting and protecting our democratic values, keeping in mind the very real risk that votes will be wasted if your party of choice fails to gain an MP or at least 5% of the vote.
Will media coverage of the election campaign be tainted by the PJIF?
The final allocation of the controversial $55 million Public Interest Journalism Fund (PJIF) happened last month (April 23). This is a separate fund additional to the yearly $100m government funding available to the media. It is noted though that NZ On Air reports that the PJIF fund will have “a ‘long tail’ as funded roles and projects continue to deliver content until at least 2025. This obviously includes this year’s general election campaign. Therefore, how much confidence can we have that the conditions of this fund will allow criticism of the government’s Treaty partnership agenda, the active promotion of which is a requirement for access to the funds? No doubt editors are mindful of the threat that should they deviate from the directive “to actively promote the principles of Partnership, Participation and Active Protection under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, acknowledging Māori as a Te Tiriti partner”, NZ On Air can say that they have defaulted on the agreement and demand the funding be repaid.
Campaign updates from friends also fighting to protect equal rights and democratic values
Julian Batchelor’s STOP CO-GOVERNANCE TOUR of the country continues. See the STOP CO GOVERNANCE website for the where and when of the meetings, and details on how you can assist this campaign.
One of the ways you can help is to distribute Julian’s book ‘Co-Governance - What it is, why it’s wrong, and why it must be stopped’ to your friends, family, and neighbourhood. Order copies from his website HERE. The books are $1.00 each, plus postage. You can read the book online by clicking HERE.
HOBSON’S PLEDGE has launched a ‘Fight to end racism’ campaign. This includes calling for people to join them in sending a message to this Government that, no matter who the target is, racism will not be tolerated. You can read and sign their open letter to the Minister of Justice Kiri Allan by clicking HERE.
Following their very successful campaign last year to bring to the public’s attention the flaws in the Three Waters legislation, THE NZ TAXPAYERS’ UNION is mounting a further campaign to put pressure on the Government and force Chris Hipkins to Scrap the Three Waters. Click HERE to donate to this cause.
Other ways you can help:
- Please join those of us who are keeping the democracy/political equality/co-governance issues alive on radio talkback and social media. The more who do so, the louder our voices.
- Continue to challenge those who spread false propaganda, such as the claim that the chiefs did not cede sovereignty when they signed the Treaty of Waitangi.
Thank you for your continued interest and support. If you have any suggestions you would like to offer, or if you need further information or help, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
And please help spread the message by sharing our newsletters with anyone who may be interested. You can receive further updates by registering or joining us.
Kind regards,

Susan Short