< December 2018 newsletter

Fairfield College monument to the Kingitanga movement

A year ago, Dr Bruce Moon wrote an article, published on the Breaking Views blogsite, warning of the dangerous situation being created by the distortion of the history of New Zealand. (Bruce is deeply engaged in studying New Zealand history, and the author of "Real Treaty; False Treaty - The True Waitangi Story”). A link is to his article, ‘Our Reversion to Tribalism’, is available HERE.

Bruce’s article is well worth re-reading in the light of the continuing misrepresentation of our history. A case in point is the recent commemoration of the New Zealand wars at Fairfield College, Hamilton, which “acknowledges the history and sacrifice of those who participated in the New Zealand Wars, particularly the warriors of Waikato-Tainui and the Kingitanga”, according to the principal, Richard Crawford.

The unveiling of the pou at the commemoration ceremony. Richard Crawford is on the right.

A report on the unveiling ceremony and a recording of an interview given by Mr Crawford is available HERE.  Mr Crawford also shares his views in a ‘Message from the Principal’  which includes the following excerpt:

“I would like The Pou to reflect the courage and fortitude of the Waikato Tainui rangatira and warriors that fought against significant odds to retain their land and the sovereignty of the kingitanga”.

It is very concerning that a state secondary school is promoting partisan views to its students over such a fraught period of our history. For a comprehensive account of the story behind the Kingitanga movement, ‘The Kingite Rebellion’, by Dr John Robinson is recommended reading. See also ‘The War in New Zealand’, by William Fox (1866). A link to online version is available HERE

A working group member has written to the Minister of Education, objecting to the promotion of this one-sided account of our history, and has received a reply suggesting the complaint be sent to the Fairfield College School Board. It was proposed at our last meeting that others also contact the Minister of Education, the Prime Minster, the Deputy PM, and to the Principal of Fairfield College, and the Trust Board.

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