Auckland Council: $129M on iwi consultation and other targeted Māori spending

Today we release an important document that we've been working on for some time.

Our paper, titled Atawhai: Generosity for some, shows how, in just six years, Auckland Council spent at least $129 million on iwi consultation and targeted Māori spending.

And the bill is increasing. Last year's spend came to $30 million – more than double the $13 million spent six years ago.

This paper is evidence that the interests of those who identify as Māori are being elevated above those of all other Aucklanders, thereby undermining the concept of equal rights upon which our democracy is based.

Download a copy of the report

A 2015 report by the NZ Institute of Economic Research showed that the Māori economy in Auckland is substantial – at around $4 billion of GDP with $23 billion of assets. This being so, the wisdom of Council contributing towards Māori economic development at ratepayers’ expense is questionable at best.

We are only able to shine a light on this disgraceful preferential spending because the support from New Zealanders like you. If you would like to contribute to help fund this work – and expand its reach online – please donate here.