‘A world-first indigenous-council partnership’ mooted for Whanganui
The Whanganui Lands Negotiation Settlement Trust (WLSNT) and the Crown negotiator are seeking agreement from the Whanganui District Council to support the Trust's aspiration to establish a partnership framework with the Council, aiming to include this proposal in their Treaty settlement.
Read moreLocal Government update
Government plans a local government system that actively embodies the Treaty partnership.
On 23 April 2021 the Minister of Local Government established a review into the future for Local Government:
“The overall purpose of the Review is, as a result of the cumulative changes being progressed as part of the Government’s reform agenda, to identify how our system of local democracy and governance needs to evolve over the next 30 years, to improve the wellbeing of New Zealand communities and the environment, and actively embody the Treaty partnership”.
Read moreThe cost to ratepayers of implementing the partnership principle
Photo: Penny Smart, Chair of Northland Regional Council
The partnership-with-iwi provisions are creating significant cost pressures for councils. This includes large and on-going costs associated with implementing and maintaining the variety of ways Iwi/Māori are involved in local government and contribute to council decision making.
Read moreThe ‘partnership’ myth - the single biggest threat to our democracy
Progressing the Treaty ‘partnership’ agenda is a key priority for the Labour government. But by doing so they are introducing divisive policies that are undermining our democracy.
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Labour continues down race-based path - undermining equal rights, democracy
Labour’s Māori Manifesto 2020 recommits to the partnership path with Māori. They will continue to support the role of Māori Crown relations – Te Arawhiti in growing the capability and capacity of government departments and organisations to be better Treaty partners, promising to look to take even bolder steps to create change.
Read moreLabour boasts of roadblock partnership
Two Labour Members of Parliament have confirmed the claim by Democracy Action that the Government and Police condoned the illegal iwi roadblocks on public roads. Tamati Coffey (Labour - Waiariki) and Kiri Allan (Labour – List MP living in the East Coast) have stated that these roadblocks were “well supported” by the Government and that police “helped with the checkpoints”.
Read moreIwi checkpoints “show the way” for Treaty partnership
Meng Foon and Paul Hunt of the Human Rights Commission use the illegal roadblocks as an admirable illustration of the Treaty of Waitangi 'partnership' principle. It is a model they would like to see replicated.
“The two treaty partners collaborated – with kāwanatanga, or governorship, represented through local councils, Civil Defence and the Police, and rangatiratanga, the authority of chiefs, upheld by hapū and iwi”.
“This relationship between rangatiratanga and kāwanatanga is ready to be used across all aspects of government during the recovery programme. The time has come,” they write.
Read moreThis is how the Treaty partnership works in practise, folks
The partnership interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi is manifesting in a myriad of ways. The recent unlawful closure of the road to the North Cape by Ngati Kuri, with the collaboration of government agencies including the Department of Conservation, the NZ Police and the NZ Transport Agency, is but another example.
Read moreGovernment moving beyond settlement of treaty grievances – to partnership
Last year, the Government created a new agency - 'Māori Crown relations'. At the launch, Minister Kelvin Davis, announced that "The agency…will help facilitate the next step in the Treaty relationship – moving beyond the settlement of treaty grievances into what it means to work together in partnerships."
Read moreWhat partnership?
For those who were unable to attend the public meeting held in West Auckland on February 23, at which Dr Don Brash gave a presentation on the Crown-Maori partnership ideology, you can now view it here:
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