Defend Democracy with James Allan (Christchurch)

Despite being one of the oldest continuous democracies in the world, today our democracy faces threats we have not seen before. These extraordinary challenges come from an ambitious Labour Government-led programme to reformulate our constitutional arrangements, mainly driven by a desire to implement a plan to recognise the United National Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and embed Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) into our constitution.

Earlier this year Democracy Action engaged Professor James Allan to review the He Puapua Report. This report, commissioned by the Labour-led Government in 2019, has served as a roadmap to constitutional and democratic change for New Zealand.

The result of Professor Allans analysis - "The Report of Professor James Allan on He Puapua: The Radical Prescription for Undermining Democracy and the Rule of Law" - provides a valuable critique of He Puapua and how this impacts our democracy.

You can learn more about He Puapua and Professor Allan's analysis here.

About the event

Democracy Action is hosting Professor James Allan at an exclusive event in Christchurch. He will speak about his report "He Puapua: The Radical Prescription for Undermining Democracy and the Rule of Law”. Professor Allan will provide a valuable critique of He Puapua and how the radical constitutional changes called for will impact our democracy.

Join us in defending democracy by using the form below to RSVP to the event - spaces are limited!

6:00pm arrival for 6:30pm start.

Complimentary parking available. If parking is full, pay and display parking is available next door at the Antarctic Centre.

Will you come?